Happy Friday, Poets
Margaret has our round-up today at her blog, Reflections on the Teche.
I find inspiration from Margaret's work. Poetry fits her life seamlessly. Whether she poems about her students, grandkids, a nearby oak tree, or the bayou...she brings us with her on her journey poetically. Thank you, friend.
The photo below is from 'This Photo Wants to be a Poem,' from Margaret's blog. Even though the purpose of the photo is to offer a quick, at-the-moment response, I like to take time with the image. The photos are any that she finds on her camera roll or on social media (shared with credit and permission).
I haven't been a consistent writer these days. I'd hoped summer would be more for writing but so much else has grabbed my time and attention. One way I ease back into writing is, to begin drafting with the words, "Today's poem is..."
There is a new poem on WORD's padlet this week.
It was inspired by the Teacher's Write 2023 haiku week prompts.