Thursday, December 8, 2022

Winter Poem Swap Goodness


OK, who's had snow? Would you be willing to share some?

Although, if I could transport myself to Australia's summer at no cost--I would be tempted by that too.

I'm loving getting ready for the holidays. this year. Last year, Santa announced her retirement, and my adult children were enlisted as replacements. Now, my most taxing duties after work are cookie baking and decorating my wacky Charlie Brown tree.

Branches from a brush pile.
They hold special ornaments really well.
It's wacky--we like it that way.

I enjoy trips to the mailbox for old-fashioned Christmas cards and photos. This week, the most delightful winter poem swap arrived from Janice Scully. She's recently back from some amazing travels and shared a lovely Madonna medal and s beautiful mini-quilt. The colors are so festive and the sewn lines are wonderfully straight. I've done a bit of sewing lately and my lines do NOT look as straight and even as hers. I'm using my mini-quilt to keep my tea cup warm these late fall mornings--at least until I need a refill and my senior cat steals it as a pillow.

mini-quilt, medal and poem from Janice

Star responded to Janice's poem. Find it on the Star padlet.

By Janice Scully

I have an hour,
to wonder in peace,
touch the grass,
watch the geese.

when my chores are done,
I'll ponder the sky,
the clouds
the sun,

by the apple tree,
and hope to spy
a hummingbird
come whirring by.

I sincerely hope you are enjoying this time of year wherever you live. Peace on Earth remains an earnest wish and prayer. 

Our wonderful friend at More Art 4 All is hosting this week's round-up. Make sure to stop in and say hello. Thank you, Michelle.


  1. Your poem is so peaceful, Janice. thank you for sharing your words this morning.

  2. I wandered through poetic goodness from your whacky (adorable) Charlie Brown tree to a lovely Winter Poem Swap by Janice to your Star Padlet and enjoyed myself, Linda. I am also baking and in the midst of quite a conglomeration of unpacked Christmas boxes. As my letter to Santa says, I need help! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. I've been too busy to participate in the winter swap and miss the joy it brings, like your gifts from Janice, Linda. The poem is just perfect, a short response to how we should live our lives! And love the idea is your own poem about stars staying up late! Also love the Charlie Brown tree, super fun! Happy Weekend Linda!

  4. What a lovely gift! You sound busy as a bee. I love your Charlie Brown wacky tree. I had a gasp at your post because I thought, " Did I forget to do the poem swap?" But I'm sure I realized that with a baby due, I would not have time to participate. Janice's poem is just right.

  5. What a lovely quilt and poem!! I like Star's response too -- the idea of stars playing in the sky made me smile. And that wacky tree -- priceless! ~ Jama

  6. We do have snow, and it's beautiful. Wish I could send a bit your way to enjoy. How lovely that Santa retired and you can concentrate on enjoying your family, your art, your holidays! Janice's poem is so lovely--feels a bit like a Dickinson poem. And the quilt! And your reply with its clever ending--love!

  7. We've had a few flakes...not enough to cover the ground or share! What a lovely swap gift!

  8. Are we getting flurries today? I haven't seen a flake yet. :( I love that your kids are now taking over the Santa duties. I have NO decorations up at my house--must get done TODAY!

  9. No snow here, though we may get some Sunday. Janice's poem and your response made me smile, and I'll look up at the stars tonight and see what they're up to.

  10. Thanks for sharing this warm hug-of-a post Linda. Lovely meandering- "Wondering" poem by Janice, and wandering star response from you, thanks for filling me with starlight tonight!

  11. Oh, we would so welcome you for an Australian summer, Linda!!! (You could even do some of that yummy Christmas baking you've mentioned 'cause there is none of that happening from me this year. Struggling enough with daily tasks single-handedly!🤦‍♀️) But I did enjoy that moment to pause and wonder... And breathe. (I love that your response was Wandering... because that's what I'd have done, too.🙃)

  12. Are there more beautiful words, in busy times, than, "I have an hour"? :) What a beautiful poem swap gift!


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!