Thursday, June 6, 2024

Inkling Challenge and Summer Hiatus

Hello Friends,

Thank you Tracey at Tangles and Tales for hosting our round-up this weekend.

Molly gave us a wonderful challenge for June.

I stopped by the Poetry Foundation for some inspiration and mentor text and found this lovely poem, You Learn by Living, by J. Patrick Lewis about one of my favorite historical figures.

Isn't that a great poem? I would so love to see students creating these for their heroes. Alas, school ends for them this week! I hope all my students enjoy a wonderful summer break and grow fat brains from reading. We can write a fresh crop of biography poems next year. 

I have plans to travel more than stay home this summer. So, for the first time in a few years, I'm taking a summer hiatus from Poetry Friday. I reserve the right to pop in and enjoy the poems of others. But, I want to preserve my writing creativity and energy for some projects that I'm working on. And, summer for a school librarian sometimes feels too short for that to me!

So, my friends, remember to hydrate, re-apply your sunscreen, take time to live and write and don't be a stranger. I can always be reached by the gmail account connected to this blog.

To read more Inkling responses to Molly's challenge find them at:

Mary Lee @Another Year of Reading
Heidi @my juicy little universe
Molly @Nix the Comfort Zone
Margaret @Reflections on the Teche

Here's one more WORLD poem for the road!