Thursday, March 7, 2019

International Women's Day

Happy Poetry Friday!

This week, I am answering a call from our round-up host, Catherine at Reading to the Core, who asked us to write something related to International Women's Day.

I've never celebrated this day. I had to look it up.  How could I have missed it? I do love this year's theme


The theme points to the goal of gender balance in our world.

I have two short items today.

First a skinny inspired by Mao Zedong's often repeated quote, Women hold up half the sky.

Women hold up half the sky
half the sky, women hold
(c) Linda Mitchell 2019


Some branches of my family tree


Huldah the prophetess said, “ because you humbled yourself...tore
your clothes and wept before Me...I truly have heard you,”
2 Chronicles 34: 24-27

Huldah 1843-1910

windswept hilly land
farm without grace…or reward
soil for thistle

family bible
a hand-scratched name my only
connection to you

granddaughters live in your dreams
poetry foretold

II. Resolved, that the women of this nation in 1876, have greater cause for discontent, rebellion and revolution than the men of 1776. -Susan B. Anthony, Seneca Falls, NY

Huldah's daughter, Mary 1876

born one hundred years
after her nation’s first cries
American girl

molasses cookies
milk fresh in the tin bucket
a farm girl’s fancies

widow and mother
sweat and tears provide her salt
bitter seasoning

married fresh anew
father for growing daughter
boy’s birth a blessing

III. The work of today  is the history of tomorrow,
       and we are its makers. -Juliette Lowe 1916

Mary's daughter, Mabel 1900

my beautiful one
one thousand stars shine for you
night sighs with envy

missing a father
does not diminish your drive
teacher’s diploma

bringing up brother
makes step-father happy
all rise with this sun

Da’s rosary beads
religion and ritual
the only true faith

no beau no marriage
for Mabel…an auntie
for generations

(c) Linda Mitchell


  1. So much poetry goodness here. Happy National Women's Day, Linda!

  2. I am not familiar with that quote, Linda. How lovely you've shared in your poem! The other, generation after generation, tiny stories in the verses. Love "an auntie
    for generations". Happy National Women's Day!

  3. What a rich post, Linda. You sell yourself short with 'two short poems'. They're crafted! I especially loved the second compilation. It's wonderful! I recognise the style - have done similar with students, getting them to retell a known fairytale using haiku-like stanzas. I don't know your family history - yet I do. Through your words.

  4. These are amazing poems, so full and rich with voice and knowledge. I feel smarter having read them. I really think an anthologist needs to collect these poems. This post reflects your love for research and family.

  5. I love these portraits, Linda! And "Huldah" is such a powerful name. Thank you for sharing! xo

  6. You are so good at running with a theme! Your family tree haiku are like a petite play.

  7. Thank you for these - so good!

  8. Handsome woven memories of your families ties via your haiku series Linda. I like your skinny poem too, there's an origin story about how a spider helps to hold up the sky from it collapsing into the earth. Happy International Women's Day!

  9. Linda, sharing your family history makes each one real figures in an endless stretch of strong women.

  10. Linda, you know how much I love these poems, especially "Some Branches of My Family Tree." Thank you for sharing and helping to celebrate International Women's Day!

  11. Wow. I'm in love with your family tree written in verse!

  12. Wonderful family tree sequence, Linda!! Thanks for the enjoyable post. :)

  13. Linda, these small poetic portraits are amazing. I savored each one. Ending with Mabel -- I think maiden aunts used to be an important part of families, valued helpers in raising children, supporting sisters, brothers, and aging parents. She's a hero.


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!