Thursday, May 25, 2023

A million wishes...

Splash! Summer has arrived. Hallelujah!

I'm not out of school yet--but oh, so close. I'm looking forward to a break. The irony of the word "break," is not lost on me. Like teachers everywhere, the weeks of summer for me are busy with so many things I could not do during the school year: deep clean my house, organize the pantry, and write! I have plans to catch up with friends and family too.

This is the best part of summer. It's almost here but not quite-- when everything is possible. 

Thank you poets for your contributions to Wednesday's 'This Photo Wants to be a Poem.' I love substitute hosting. I came home from a long day to see lots of lovely, positive comments from poets to each other. What a boost to my spirit.

This week, I have another little cutie:

Photo and words by Linda Mitchell 

There is a triolet 'The Words Between' on the WORD padlet.

I am off to find a slice of watermelon. Poets, have a great, safe weekend. Don't miss stopping by Patricia's blog, Reverie, for all this week's goodness.


  1. Wishing you a million exhales as your summer draws near, Linda! My sister who teaches kindergarten told me she has 9 more days --spread over 3 weeks! Makes you almost willing to go 9 straight just to get to summer faster!

  2. Sending you a million "hang in there" vibes for the final stretch of the school year, Linda! You blow me away. ;)

  3. Here's another million wishes to get you through the end of the school year and to lift you into a summer of relaxation, play, and rejuvenation!

  4. Oh, I do remember, & will be returning to my school this week to celebrate a former colleague's retirement. Wishing you a million wishes when you blow, Linda. I often thought of that day I walked out (for a while) as a big sigh!

  5. Love those dandelion wishes! Please come over and clean my pantry too while you're at it . . . :D Happy Summer and Happy Memorial Day weekend!

  6. I am sorry to have missed the photo for Wednesday. I am excited for you to be finished with school and hope your break is a slow one. Your triolet made me smile.

  7. Linda: I wish you a bundle of energy for the end of the year, and all the summer plans to fall into place. Thanks for the dandelion poem... love it!

  8. I'm so looking forward to summer! So much to catch up on! Love your dandelion poem. And wishing you a calm and quick last few weeks at school.

  9. Enjoy your well - deserved summer break. When I was teaching, I used to love that moment when I knew I was FREE. It was glorious to spend the time with my children and do everything I had waited for since the beginning of the school year.
    There’s nothing quite like a dandelion wish, is there? I made one after reading your lovely poem.

  10. Oh, the summer "break" — :D Enjoy yours, with a different kind of busyness, yes? Love the dandelion photo and I'm sending you a million wishes for a summer of beauty and writing!

  11. Beautiful! And yes on summer "break." Hope yours is productive AND relaxing, at least a little bit.

  12. Ahhh - strength for the final lap, Linda, and wishes for a mix of home "productivity" and R-E-S-T in the slower days of summer. xo

  13. Your relentless positivity (even as you acknowledge the challenges; I thought you were going to go a different direction with the irony of "break," as in "broken"!) is infectious, Linda! Please do inhale, and exhale, and blow the seeds of good wishes into your own garden for a change. Sending strength for the last laps!

  14. Linda, I am on my way to Syracuse and then Rome, NY for my Uncle's funeral. It's a long ride but the weather is beautiful and I wanted to catch up with PF friends. I long for the days when I can "just be" but for now I am happy to be with family in our joy for our new little addition and at peace for my Uncle's passing. Your dandelion poem is one sweet wish of poetic goodness. I caught up on your padlet and wish you well as you continue your work with WORD. I missed Wednesday's Photo Wants to Be a Poem so I will head back to read that post. Let's wish for a summer filled with joy!


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!