Friday, February 9, 2024

Animals at Play

Hello Poets!

I'm having fun with Laura Shovan's 12th Annual February Poetry Project. This poem came out of this week's prompt from Heather Meloche. 

Do you know animals that play?

There's a new poem on World's padlet. The poem also came from this week's February Project writing.

Many thanks to our friend Carol who is hosting this week's poetry round-up at Beyond Literacy. 


  1. Oh, Snoop! Love this, and our Aussie Rosie loves it too. Love too how you continue to challenge yourself Linda. It's inspiring! xo

  2. I got goosebumps reading about Snoop, Linda. And not just because of the snow! Give your furry pal an ear scratch and hairy hug for me. I miss those. :)

  3. Linda, I love so much the poem about playing games, remembering how to play games and not care who the winner was. And your It's a Small World/Lullaby collaborative. And this poem of your sweet game with Snoop. So precious. You have been richly inspired, of late.

  4. Snoop! Such a vivid poem and a fun game! Your World poem is wistful and hopeful. If only . . .

  5. My son just got a puppy and I wonder if he's old enough to enjoy a dash of snow in the air. Enjoy your February poetry project. I'm sure you'll find enough ideas to keep you going for the rest of the year!

  6. Linda, it is great to see both of your poems this week. Your dog Scoop surely enjoyed the snow. I like the poem for its fun, play, and the storyline. That ending was a good one. Maybe you should read it to your students and ask them what they did on their snow day. Your World's padlet poem ia another gem.

  7. Isn't it funny how some animals love snow and some clearly do not! I am glad Snoop is a snow-lover! : )

  8. My pup is a snow-play lover too, Linda. I don't know who loves it more: her or me watching her love it. Your words bring the scenes to life!

  9. How wonderful that Snoop loves that, Linda. And I love that you wrote about it, too!

  10. I love the interior rhyming in this, Linda, and the free-floating fun. Kudos!

  11. So much joy in this, Linda! Thank you :>)

  12. I can totally picture this! So. Much. Joy.

  13. Snoop sounds like a fun companion, from this fun poem, I feel the exuberance in your "Threeeeeeee" and his, "Do it again!" Lovely! And I love your new padlet poem on playing peace, it reminds me of the French story Ubu Roi, thanks Linda!

  14. So sweet! I can see this moment so well. My long-ago dog loved the snow as well. When I see dogs frolicking in the snow, I always think of Billy Collins' "Snow Day" and the line, "the dog will porpoise through the drifts."

  15. That poem is practically wagging itself! So fun. (Our new pup - who is getting big! - would LOVE snow, I'm sure. The colder it is the better, as far as he's concerned, with his thick double coat. No real snow here this year, though. But he was very curious about some flurries.) ;0) Thank you for your poignant peace poem - and your peace-themed New Year's postcard swap project. xo

  16. I love this poem, Linda. I love watching my pets play - individually, or together. It always brings a smile. You have captured this perfectly.

  17. I think Charlie would have loved this game of snow ball. He loved a tennis ball toss. The image of Snoop is fun!

  18. Go, Snoop, get that scoop! Your poem made me remember our sweet Sydney and how she loved to bound through the snow. What a terrific prompt!


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!