Friday, September 13, 2024

Poetry Anthology News

Dear Poetry Lovers,

I am so very happy to share poetry anthology news. There are three anthologies new this month published by Sarah Donovan of Ethical ELA. 

These books are written by educators for educators. I'm proud to be included with poetry in Words that Mend as well as Just YA. These poems began as responses to prompts in Ethical ELA's monthly writing community that I love being a part of.

Anyone can read these books for the beauty of the poetry, essays or short stories. However, all of the work included is appropriate to share as fresh writing by living poets with young people age 12-18. The poems can serve as mentor texts or points of peace in our tumultuous world. If that's a need for you, dear grown-up, they are for you too. 

What makes Words that Mend and Just YA particularly special is that they are available as free downloads for educators (or anyone). No teacher will have to purchase these books on their own or worry about asking for budget funds to access the resources. They are free to use. I LOVE this!

A poem I wrote, MessageChatGPT,  from page 191 of Just YA:

I hope you will take some time to read poetry from today's educators. We have so much to say because were are feeling so much. We'd really appreciate some review love for all these works on Goodreads or the places reviews drive sales such as Amazon or Barns & Noble. Even though Words that Mend and Just YA are free, I'd love to get the word out, literally, to as many readers as possible.

I'm still working on drafting a WORLD poem for this week...stay tuned.

Thanks so much to Heidi @  for hosting our round-up this week. She always got good things to read and to think about.


  1. Wow, Linda--that piece is so spot on, bringing together all the list of possible stressors under the heading of one more thing to worry about (although I do wonder if that's how teens think of AI). Congratulations to you and all the Ethical ELA folks for sharing out freely!

  2. Linda, I'm so glad these teacher-poet anthologies exist! And do you know your audience, or what?! Brava! xo

  3. Congrats, Linda! What lovely resources for teachers and others!

  4. Congratulations, Linda. The poem touched parts of my life via one granddaughter, already making plans to make "my first choice school happy" as you wrote. You've shown so well the pressures young adults face, or take on. I bought the book, have read a little of it so far. It makes we wish I was still teaching!

  5. Thanks for the heads up about these anthologies, and congrats on having your work included. Your poem is spot on!

  6. So much stress! I remember those days well - everything feels so crushingly important, and you've captured that sense of being pulled in all these different directions!! Congratulations on the anthologies!

  7. Linda, congratulations on having your poems featured in the anthologies. The inclusion of zits and stinky armpits was one to laugh over just like the commercial. Your voice in the poem is a wonderful way to play teenager with issues.

  8. Linda, your poem is marvelous! Spot on - no wonder it is included in the anthology!

  9. Linda, your poem is spot-on. You captured that teen-angst voice perfectly. I also especially loved this line from your narrative: "The poems can serve as mentor texts or points of peace in our tumultuous world." Congratulations!

  10. I love this! So glad your work is in this anthology!

  11. Such an important reminder that our teens have SO much on their minds and plates.

  12. Congrats on all the upcoming publication, Linda! Your poem captures the weight and angst of that age. So much to cope with!

  13. I love these new books because they honor all of us teachers out here trying to make a difference in the lives of our students who seem more and more to be filled with anxiety. Thanks for sharing.


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!