Thursday, June 25, 2020

Sharing Prompts from This Week

June 26th Already? How can this be?

Time flies in a pandemic despite the rise in cases across my nation.  This week, I'm traveling to south to visit family. I'd love your healthy thoughts along with the protection of my face mask, hand sanitizer and soap.

This past week, I enjoyed writing at Sarah Donovan's Ethical ELA. Margaret Simon and I teamed up to provide four prompts during the week to educators with experience levels from pre-service through retired PhDs. The response to the prompts was amazing. Teachers make great writers! And, I'm super inspired by their words. On Friday, we were treated to a prompt by author Melanie Crowder...outstanding!

Below is one prompt I shared--on Monday inspired by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater's Keeping A  Notebook video #50 Lift a Word.  Here's how the prompt appeared on Ethical ELA's blog:

"Lists, I know you have them...they may be three words or pages long, a series of to-do items, groceries? clothing sizes? What about lists you hear and love these days?

Peruse your notebook(s) for a list. Zero in on one word to write long about as suggested by The Poem Farm, Amy Ludwig VanDerwater in Lift a Word #sharingournotebooks #50. Note, Linda's poem remained a list. But, that's OK. It's the idea of looking at the lists that's the true prompt.

See what this prompt does for you. I'd love to see your response.

If you're looking for more fun, see how I shared (with permission) Linda Baie's recent prompt (February Poem Project) Small Fictions to write this poem:

I encourage writing teachers to check out the monthly writing prompts at Ethical ELA. It's fun, low stress and keeps my pen moving. Sarah offers much more for educators at her blog. Check it out.

Many thanks to Karen at Karen's Got a Blog! for hosting today's round-up.

I'm hosting Poetry Friday next week. I love kicking things off Thursday evening about Happy Hour time -- ya, know it's five o'clock somewhere! See you soon.


  1. What a week you had, Linda. I am knee-deep in preparations for my grad course that I will teach online on Monday. Yikes! I am not finished uploading all my work on the college's platform that I am struggling with. I really enjoyed reading your poem and Linda's hilarious one. Back to work now...

  2. Linda:Sounds like an amazing experience. I hope I can come back later and dig into it a little more... thanks for sharing...

  3. Wow, Linda! I adore both of these poems. I'm going to have to experiment with these forms and will definitely visit Ethical ELA. Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Linda, I enjoyed your poems, and now I'm looking through my journal for lists. I loved the image of winter out back in the Adirondack chair.

  5. I agree that prompts and challenges (and goals) keep the pencil moving. I've been in a writing slump, but I'm happy to see a shift now that I've got some of the above in place! You never seem to lack for output -- you're a creative mentor/hero!

  6. I love that list prompt, Linda & your poem brings some good memories, too. I haven't thought about five smooth stones forever. My grandmother taught me that meaning & we used to walk by a creek on her farm looking for them. And thanks for the shout out about my prompt. I love your poem, "Autumn in jail" shows so well what happens to our October or November! Thank you!

  7. Loved your Small Fiction, Linda. So much personality (attitude!) in those seasons. And wonderful to see you inspiring others with your love of poetry.

  8. I love the wishing pairings. Some were new to me. 'A Small Fiction" is great! Thanks for sharing these poems.

  9. Wow! Thanks for sharing the prompt and list--I love list poems. But your Small Fiction poem made me bust out laughing. Thank you for that! And safe and lovely travels:>)

  10. Such great prompts and mentor poems you shared, Linda! Your small fiction poem is a hoot! Wishing you safe travels!!!


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!