Thursday, April 25, 2024

She Was a Dancer Though

Hello Poetry Friends,

April is just wonderful! Lots of poetry and lots of celebrating school library--our students, our books, and our lessons. I've been exchanging fun book-ish gifts with a secret school librarian pal.

Here's a quick poem sparked by a recent visit to the Denver Art Museum and Irene's sharing of the Abracadabra (aka Magic 9)form on her blog last week. I love a new form. This one is fun to play with. 

There's a new poem on WORLD's padlet...the poems are piling up!

Thank you, Ruth, for hosting our round-up today!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

This poetry book came home with me

 Hello Poets,

How was Poem in-Your-Pocket Day?  I admit I was so busy with library review-game stations for a couple of different grade levels these past few weeks that I grabbed a free poem-in-your-pocket for kids activity here. And, it was just fine.

A benefit of working in a school library with an amazing co-librarian and assistant is that I'm always seeing books displayed that I didn't know existed. Or, seeing books that I've heard about but haven't had a chance to check out yet.

This book was displayed this week and it was literally love at first site. I just couldn't keep from snatching it up and taking it home.

Watson, Renee. “Maya’s Song.” RenĂ©e Watson, Accessed 18 Apr. 2024.

Admittedly, I've been a bit obsessed with biographies in verse lately. I have a project in mind. But, it feels like an overwhelming task at the moment. But, this book...makes it seem possible. How does Watson do this?

Maya's Song was written by one of my favorite authors, Renee Watson, illlustrated by the great Bryan Collier, and published by Harper Collins in 2022. It is a stunning biography and tribute to our national treasure, Maya Angelou.

27 free-verse poems detail the beautiful and sometimes painful arc of Ms. Angelou's life from her beginnings until she was a Free Bird. 

We learn about how Maya got her name, important family members, friends, and distinguished acquaintances who reached out for her words and her voice.

Watson, Renée, and Bryan Collier. Maya’s Song. Harper Collins, 2022.

Even though Harper Collins recommends this book for grades 2-5 I think that students to adults will also love it. The teacher resource provided for this book is OK. I would have added many more opportunities to write and draw for readers to demonstrate understanding of and connection to the book and its subject.

I had another topic in mind for Poetry Friday this week. But, when this book smiled at me I was smitten. I simply cannot stop paging through it to admire the artwork and re-read the poems. Ms. Watson simply nailed-it as a biographer for young readers with this book. 

Do yourself a favor. Go to your nearest library and let your eyes sweep across the displays for poetry month. Enjoy how the book covers call your attention, flirt with you even. Even if you already have a giant stack of books for Poetry Month...what's one more? Maya's Song would make an outstanding addition to your reading this month.

Thank you, Heidi, for hosting our round-up this week at My Juicy Little Universe.

There is a new poem, How to Save the World from Drowning, on the padlet. It originated with #verselove from Ethical ELA, a writing resource and space for educators. I've enjoyed the prompts this month. I'm grateful for the community of writers there.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Progressive Poem Rest Stop -- Exit 12

Hello Poets,

Aren't you just loving Poetry Month? I'm enjoying everyone's poetry projects. Rose C. at Imagine the Possibilities inspired me with her call-and-response idea. My weekly WORLD poem plays along.

Today is my turn to share a couplet in our community's progressive poem. This poem started out with two lines by Patricia Franz at Reverie and continues each day of April with couplets from other poets until here. 

I imagine this poem as a journey with visits to various blogs and websites. It's been a lovely journey so far. I'll try to make your visit pleasant before you continue on the interwebs to Denise at Dare to Care for day 13.

cradled in stars, our planet sleeps
clinging to tender dreams of peace
sister moon watches from afar
singing lunar lullabies of hope.

almost dawn, I walk with others,
keeping close, my little brother.
hand in hand, we carry courage
escaping closer to the border.

My feet are lightning;
My heart is thunder.
Our pace draws us closer
to a new land of wonder.

I bristle against rough brush —
poppies ahead brighten the browns.
Morning light won’t stay away —
Hearts jump at every sound.

I hum my own little song
like ripples in a stream
Humming Mami’s lullaby
reminds me I have her letter

My fingers linger on well-worn creases,
shielding an address, a name, a promise–
Sister Moon will find always us 
surrounding us with beams of kindness

Take it away, Denise!

Read the list below to learn where our poem has been and where it’s headed. 

April 1 Patricia Franz at Reverie
April 2 Jone MacCulloch
April 3 Janice Scully at Salt City Verse
April 4 Leigh Anne Eck at A Day in the Life
April 5 Irene at Live Your Poem
April 6 Margaret at Reflections on the Teche
April 7 Marcie Atkins
April 8 Ruth at There is No Such Thing as a God Forsaken Town
April 9 Karen Eastlund
April 10 Linda Baie at Teacher Dance
April 11 Buffy Silverman
April 12 Linda Mitchell
April 13 Denise Krebs at Dare to Care
April 14 Carol Varsalona at Beyond Literacy Link
April 15 Rose Cappelli at Imagine the Possibilities
April 16 Sarah Grace Tuttle
April 17 Heidi Mordhorst at my juicy little universe
April 18 Tabatha at Opposite of Indifference
April 19 Catherine Flynn at Reading to the Core
April 20 Tricia Stohr-Hunt at The Miss Rumphius Effect
April 21 Janet, hosted here at Reflections on the Teche
April 22 Mary Lee Hahn at A(nother) Year of Reading
April 23 Tanita Davis at (fiction, instead of lies)
April 24 Molly Hogan at Nix the Comfort Zone
April 25 Joanne Emery at Word Dancer
April 26 Karin Fisher-Golton at Still in Awe
April 27
April 28 Dave at Leap of Dave
April 29 Robyn Hood Black at Life on the Deckle Edge
April 30 Michelle Kogan at More Art for All

Thursday, April 4, 2024

haiku sequence about poetry without mentioning poetry by name

Hello Sweet April Poets,

I am back from a wonderful spring break full of family time. My batteries are charged!

Mary Lee challenged the Inklings to write a haiku sequence about poetry without mentioning poetry by name. It's been fun writing in a negative space of ars poetica.

Thank you Irene for hosting our round-up this week at Live Your Poem. I love your website's origin story. 

Not one but TWO world poems on the padlet this week...gotta keep up with the weeks!

See other Inkling responses to the poetry that shall not be named prompt:

Margaret at Reflections on the Teche Catherine at Reading to the Core Molly at Nix the Comfort Zone Heidi at My Juicy Little Universe Mary Lee at A(noth)er Year of Reading