Thursday, June 29, 2017

Poetry Friday -- Goodbye Vacation

Saying Goodbye to Vacation....hello to Poetry Friday at Random NoodlingThanks for hosting, Diane!

Vacation found word poem by Linda....smiles by sister, Jenn.


  1. Obviously, you enjoyed your vacation with your sister! What's in store for the rest of your summer? More poetry, I hope!

  2. What a backdrop and looks like fun! Love your poem. Was there really a hurricane? -- Christie @

  3. A "shelter of memory" to keep us safe is a beautiful concept, Linda.

  4. Awww, that is so sweet. I love how you used collage. The picture is adorable.

  5. Vacation collage poem of delight and sadness at the end. I think I might steal your idea, Linda, for my coming trip! I love this!

  6. Two smiling sisters -- adorable poem. Glad you had a nice vacation.

  7. What a special memory you have captured...or found! Sisters are the best for those memories and vacations!

  8. "A shelter of memory" What a special time you had and you even managed to make poetry while you were playing. Wonderful!

  9. I love your bitter–sweet "Sisters" Goodbye poem, I think you are onto something with these clipped-collaged word poems Linda! That's the hard part of a vacation, when it comes to a close . . . Alas you have the summer ahead of you, enjoy!

  10. Looks like a fun vacation! I love the "shelters of memory" to take back with you. I'm looking forward to building some of those memories on our vacation later next month.

  11. "Shelter of memory" is so lovely. It will be hard to top that part of your vacation, I'm sure, but I hope the rest is just as much fun...even if in different ways.

  12. Welcome back, Linda! I have missed you, but I am so glad you had a lovely vacation. Yes, a holiday can be so many things! Your words came together so well. I look forward to more of your poems from your holiday at home, Linda!

  13. What a delightful way to capture the joys of your time together!

  14. Now that is a great way to write a poem about a vacation. I think you must have had a wonderful time. "Shelter of memory"
    Did you say that you live in Virginia? I am traveling to Reston, VA next weekend to see my new grandbaby.

  15. Reston is very close by....only 5 hours and change from LI. I will be gone next week to NY! LOL. Some day we MUST meet face to face.

  16. Oh boy, I already needed a vacation, and this has just made my longing even worse! ;-)

  17. Love the found words and time with sister. "Shelter of memory" LOVE>


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!