Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Last Sunrise of Summer, an aubade

 Hello November,

Welcome, Poets. I hope all is well with you and yours. This time of year is beautiful in its way, isn't it? I always feel the tug of saying goodbye to my friends, the leaves. They take all the stories we've whispered together since spring. Time to rest, my friends.

Susan Bruck at Soul Blossom Living is hosting our round-up this week with a perfect collection of silly, funny poems to put a smile on all our faces. I am so very grateful to her for these. She makes me want to write some sillies! I just might.

I challenged our Sunday SWAGGERS to write an aubade this month. 

Merriam Webster

Last Sunrise of Summer

To find out what one is fitted to do 

and to secure an 

opportunity to do it is

the key to happiness.

-- John Dewey

We linger this last sunrise

of summer, you and I

each with our work to do

and return to

I have caressed 

as many blossoms 

as Sun called forth

with its many

green thumbs    

your goldenrod nectar

Pungent and bright

our love would heal sorrows--

a tincture for winter nights.

Can we preserve this one last morning? Label a jar in your flowery script sign the date as the title  of this poem

(c) Linda Mitchell -- draft

See more aubade poems at: 

Reading to the Core
Nix the Comfort Zone
My Juicy Little Universe
Reflections on the Teche

Photo that inspired the poem

paper wasp & goldenrod


  1. Ah, yes. This is a breath of summer morning. Love how the wasp and the goldenrod become a jar of poetry, a tincture for this season.

  2. I love this image of the last sunrise of summer--both the poem and the photo. For some reason, it reminds me of the story "Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury. I haven't read it for a long time, but in my memory, it's also about preserving the sweetness of summer.

  3. Linda, using the word tincture and bottling the last sunrise of summer, gives me hope for future winter nights. Thank you for the poem and the brightness of the image.

  4. I love the notion that the work of sun and bee results in "a tincture for winter nights." Your challenge inspired a lovely batch of peoms, Linda!

  5. Linda - what a glorious form and means of celebrating morning! I will need to work on an aubade. You remain a wellspring of inspiration. These lines stir my soul:

    Pungent and bright

    our love would heal sorrows--

    a tincture for winter nights.

    -so much to say about the mixture of bitterness and healing, love and memory, and preservation. So powerful.

  6. This is really lovely. I was here looking for your gratitude post from Thursday - where did it go?

    1. I'll put it back up in a bit. It was getting confused with Poetry Friday.

  7. Beautiful photo, and I love your aubade!

  8. Beautiful imagery Linda, and goldenrod too!
    I love these closing lines,
    "Label a jar in your flowery script
    sign the date
    as the title
    of this poem"

    Such heartfelt parting, thanks.


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!