Thursday, January 25, 2024

Pinata Man -- January 26th

Happy Poetry Friday!

I spent a little time thinking about the Poetry Pals prompt for January. You can find it on Tanita Davis' blog, fiction, instead of lies. Thanks for the challenge, Poetry Pals! 

Linda's golden shovel 1/26/24

When we are small, we play.

Our mind celebrates

ability to make the

world over by the power

of ourselves, by the power of

our innocent imagination.


reality is the

least worry of a child.

It’s our work in

life to keep all--

all we can of

that once-upon-a-time truth of us.

Even though world snuck into the golden shovel above, there is a weekly poem for World on the World padlet too.

Make sure you head over to Susan at Chicken Spaghetti for all the poems she's rounding up this week.


  1. Wonderful, Linda! The week of the piƱata poem is turning out smashing. (Ha. Couldn't resist...)

  2. Linda, we chose the same quote to admire but the difference is you used it in a well-written golden shovel. Pinata Man holds a lovely end line and your world poem shares a new format for me. Thanks for the morning poetic goodness. Hooray for poetry friends!

  3. I'm enjoying all the pinata goodness, Linda. Your golden shovel is a delightful reminder to keep that childhood wonder within us.

  4. Love that "once upon a time truth of us!" So so perfect!

  5. Still a gift for us there - so true, Linda. And "It’s our work in/life", too. Wishing everyone saw the value! Thanks for sharing wonderful ideas from the challenge!

  6. Sigh, "that-once upon-a-time truth of us." So beautiful, Linda!

  7. LOVELY. There's nothing inside, but indeed - the gift is still there. I love that.
    Also, here's to that once-upon-a-time truth. These are BRILLIANT - what a way to celebrate this gentle art and a smart, creative artist. -tanita

  8. Two fabulous poems with big messages -- that art doesn't have to be packed with literal goodies in order to bring joy to the viewer (or the artist), and the Power of Play (for children AND adults!).

  9. Both of these are lovely, but I especially like the message in the second one! Ruth,

  10. Love these poems especially the second one. And wow, now I'm fascinated with this artist thanks to all of these lovely poems.

  11. Yay for imagination! Thanks for reminding us of that once-upon-a-time truth, Linda. xo

  12. It's been far too long between Linda M poems. These are wonderful, Linda. I was surprised by the nothingness. And I loved your golden shovel; that once-upon-a-time truth of us, and the importance of play! Beautiful work!

  13. These are just fantastic! I really love the golden shovel to my bones.

  14. Linda I love that you celebrated the artist like this - his work has made us all smile this week.


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!