Thursday, April 25, 2024

She Was a Dancer Though

Hello Poetry Friends,

April is just wonderful! Lots of poetry and lots of celebrating school library--our students, our books, and our lessons. I've been exchanging fun book-ish gifts with a secret school librarian pal.

Here's a quick poem sparked by a recent visit to the Denver Art Museum and Irene's sharing of the Abracadabra (aka Magic 9)form on her blog last week. I love a new form. This one is fun to play with. 

There's a new poem on WORLD's padlet...the poems are piling up!

Thank you, Ruth, for hosting our round-up today!


  1. Love your sweet dancer. Interesting bonnet!

  2. I like "arms outstretched to invite/the whole world to her tempo" -- in her own world, but sharing the joy!

  3. Your poem captures the movement, momentum, and joy of the sculpture, and both share a warmth in color and words, thanks Linda!

  4. The museum is wonderful, so glad you enjoyed it, Linda, and created this lovely memory from there, and for this dear dancer! Like Tabatha, I love "to invite/
    the whole world to her tempo"! Have a great weekend!

  5. The rhyme in this is so lovely and unexpected--love that you rhymed tempo!

    It was so lovely to see you last night. I'm so grateful for the invite and really enjoyed getting to talk about writing.

  6. Wonderful poem, Linda. I love the outstretched arms, inviting the world to her tempo. Isn't it wonderful when a thing of beauty moves us so? Thank you!!!

  7. Your poem does a lovely job capturing the contradiction of a dancer in still form. My favorite line is "arms outstretched to invite."

    I agree about wonderful April! I'm savoring it.

  8. Love this! What started as a still photo of a sculpture positively came to life through your words!

  9. Your words match the sculpture so well!

  10. Linda, what a sweet sculpture, and your sunny poem about her is just perfect. I love how using a form helps you add words to your poem you might otherwise have left out like tempo and "though not in a professional way" They really add to the mood.

  11. Oooh, such a sweet connection you made with this dancer!

  12. Linda, this feels like a gift... a memory inspired by artwork of a time long ago. I love the last line. It makes me think of memories that leave me with a bit of joy.

  13. Your poetic joy "moves me so", Linda. :)


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!