Thursday, May 23, 2024

Poetry from Michelle's Clunker

Hello to May Twenty-Fourth! 

Let's go out and play with poets in the springtime.

Michelle Kogan gave me a clunker to worth with. I've been playing with her words, "reason to hope, and time to consider." There are wonderful and complex ideas in this line.

First, a haiku

sing con vibrato
each green bud and leaf of spring
keeping time with hope

Next, a triolet

Stories of hope,
time to remember
ways we cope
stories of hope,
courage-word lifeboats
or a fire's ember
stories of hope
time to remember.

Thank you Michelle for the clunker line and for hosting our Poetry Friday round-up this week. I look forward to seeing what you're up to this busy-bee spring.

There is a new WORLD poem on the padlet. 

Inspired by Treasure Books, I've been making some paper dolls lately to unwind. So fun. This lady is a bit stiff...she was my first attempt.

Paper Princess collage, May 24, Linda M.

This lady let me know with her expression that she doesn't like any shade of orange...maybe another color on her will coax a smile.

Paper Princess collage. May 24. Linda M.


  1. Linda, I love the fresh thoughts you added to Michelle's line. Beautiful, and that triolet. Perfect. I love Natasa at TreasureBooks, and your paper dolls delightful.

  2. I enjoyed your haiku and triolet, Linda! “Courage-word lifeboats” is wonderfully descriptive for stories of hope. The skirts on your paper princesses are stunning. What a fun project!

  3. I like all the hope woven in and out of both your poems, and that they are "stories of hope!" What lovely, textured filled skirts you've created–lots of movement in that second orangey one, thanks Linda!

  4. I love your triolet, Linda. Indeed, stories of hope help us cope. Thank you.

  5. Love those paper dolls, Linda. You create so many wonderful things! And I love both poems, the message very needed! "keeping time with hope" - YES!

  6. 'Keeping time with hope' -- I love how this transforms the clunker, Linda. And 'con vibrato' was such a great set up! Clunker-TRANSFORMED (once again!).

  7. Oh, those dolls are lovely! I loved mixed-media art. I think this would be a delightful activity to do with the kids in my art programs at work!

  8. Both of your poems made grace from a clunker. Hope and love. Those are what will see us through. And paper dolls! SWOON!

  9. I love your paper dolls! I've promised myself collage creativity this summer. I also enjoyed your turn toward hope, which is something I need a big dose of this week.

  10. Your alleged "clunker" was delightful! A 'courage-word lifeboat ' is now my favorite thing ever. And I adore those collages! I'm awfully partial to orange!

  11. Oh, you are so very creative, Linda! I love your triolet and your paper dolls are so fun - each have their own distinct personality! Thank you for sharing your work - and you reminded me that I have to go back and work on the clunker line I chose from Michelle's challenge.

  12. Love your haiku and triolet, and those paper dolls! You always work on such fun projects. Your world poem is too true; I bemoan screen addiction even as I am guilty of it.

  13. Linda, you have excelled with your crafting work. The paper dolls are stylish. I can imagine what stories you could envision for these dolls.Thank you for the link to Treasure Books. I am so excited that I am able to link up with you now. I am not sure why the hospital's internet would not let me visit your blog last week.Your World padlet is filled with many interesting poems. I think you should add some of your handiwork to it. Thanks for adding the word hope to your poems. I look forward to reading your blog from last week but I am in slow mood these days.


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!