Thursday, February 22, 2024

Epistolary Poem

Hello Poets,

I'm sorry that I'm not sorry to see February leave...maybe it's a good topic for a poem? What do you think?

There's a new WORLD poem up on the padlet. Thanks so much to Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference for hosting our round-up this weekend.

Friedman, Leo, and Pearley B Shelton. The Broken Heart. [Chicago: North American Music Company, 1919] Notated Music. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.


  1. Perfect poem Linda, gave me a laugh, love the dry humor, and your so cordial. Yes, let's get to March! Maybe "Cranky" World will feel better when it's March too, fun World poem!

  2. This is great, Linda! I love "Maybe next year/we'll catch up/over drinks" So many great lines and a super way to usher out the month.

  3. And the month is 'extra long', too. I know you've had quite a February ride, so love that you're very ready for this goodbye, Linda. I like that "looking more and more at snowdrops".

  4. Love this, Linda! Poor February… discarded lover 😉

  5. LOVE your February poem! Great fun and the ending is perfect, catching up over drinks. :) Had to sigh over your World poem -- so true -- weary world . . .

  6. "There's no more champagne" lets you know that it's really over. (And yet...there's an extra day of February this year! Maybe there's a little more bubbly at the bottom of the bottle.)

  7. What a delightful poem! The epistolary form is the perfect way to bid adieu to this month ... Thanks for sharing with us today!

  8. SNOWDROPS?! February's eyes are straying due to those hussies?! *gasp*
    Well, the thrill really is gone, then. ☺ Love this.

  9. Love the humor in your poem, Linda. "We had a great run" made me laugh. Yes, we can always revisit February next year, so I'm ready to let go and greet March, too.

  10. Your poem so clearly captures February, Linda. A try hard month for me. Suffers in comparison to January here in Australia. Your personifying of your relationship with February was simply masterful. Loved it!

  11. I'm sorry that I'm not sorry to see February go too! :) Either give me snow or give me spring.

  12. Love the sounds of "mailbox, candy box, and snowdrops". That hard x lets us know your thoughts. Ha!

  13. "My heart-shaped candy box
    is empty."

    That totally sums it up for me!

  14. So many great lines, so little time, Linda. (except we do get an extra day this month, but I digress...)
    "Let’s not part
    with bitterness.
    We’re adults." does it for me.
    How often do we hear of people breaking up but forgetting they are adults? Well done! :)

  15. Oh, so sorrry that I missed your lovely poem for PF last week. More doctors rocked my week. A mystery of mixed sinus and respiratory illness prevented me from an even-well-planned week. So coming to your poems today brings sunshine and promise. This poem has such a sweet but strong voice.
    We both know
    our relationship--
    has run its course.


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!