Thursday, October 3, 2024

SJT: Change

 Hello Sojourners,

'Every little thing is gonna be alright'

I have started this post several times...and scrapped my drafts. I can offer drafty-draft poems on a weekly basis without batting an eye. But, a prose piece about how I really feel? Oooh, that's harder for me.

I work in a school that is full of students that are marked by change. Think about these conditions:

  • all are tweens or teens
  • a majority of them are not native English speakers
  • many are refugees 
  • many, even if they are not refugees, are first generation Americans
  • a majority live below the poverty line which can impact changes in housing and overall feeling of security
Add to the above these facts about our school

  • We have had three different principals (and assorted assistant principals) in the last three years
  • We have a high educator turnover rate (25% is not unusual)
  • Our building is over 50 years old with a "new" wing built onto it making our space a bit wacky. I kid you not, new courtyards built with stage-style half-circle cement seating were surrounded by rocks (to keep the weeds down. Reader, weeds still grew).

To say that my students and I have felt the effects of these changes would be an understatement. Life as an educator and as a student can be tough for a lot of reasons.  At the end of last year, I felt like I was at the end of my ability to be an effective educator. I was ready to quit or retire early.

However, this summer I was (and remain) determined to keep the challenges from defeating my spirit. I addressed my physical, mental and spiritual health directly. I saw trusted professionals, got back to journaling, walking, and noticing 'glimmers' in my day.

I was nervous about how this new school year will go. So far, the time and practices I've put into place are helping me manage the impact of changes beyond my control. 

Today, I have a day off of school for Rosh Hashana (Shana Tova to those celebrating) October feels like a good time to recognize that things are going OK. The change in me to manage the change around me has been good. Thanks be to God.

A Pythagorean Poem for October

 Happy Poetry Friday!

A gourd time was had by all. Linda Mitchell

The Inklings were challenged by Margaret @ Reflections on the Teche to write pythagorean poems. 


A Pythagorean Poem
created by Shari Green

The math background:
Pythagoras' theorem is a2 x b2 = c2
One possible triple is 3,4,5.

3x3 + 4x4 = 5x5

 9     +  16.  = 25

Using the triple, the poetic form works like this:
1st stanza: 3 lines of 3 words each
2nd stanza: 4 lines of 4 words each
3rd stanza: 5 lines of 5 words each*

*The third stanza must be composed of all the words found in stanzas one and two (in any order; variations okay).

The third stanza should also be a progression of sorts, a product of the first two in thought or theme or meaning.


Trust me kids, this is tough than it looks--just like high school Geometry!

Kudos to Shari Green for inventing this form. It is a fun challenge. I actually employed a spreadsheet to make sure I had used all the words from the first two stanzas in the third without repeats. LOL. 


Find a pumpkin

Is it orange?

Is it round?

Brush off the dirt

Now thump its base

How does it sound?

Like a hollow drum?

A-thumping, it is found! It is an orange pumpkin hollow-like. Brushed off bass The dirt round its drum, how does it sound, now?


Linda Mitchell--draft

Thank you, Tabatha @ The Opposite of Indifference,
for hosting our round-up as we welcome October.

WORLD and I have gotten back on track with poems. The little series below stem from a clunker offered by Amy LV. Flowers love the feel of rain.



this hopeful world where
flowers love the feel of rain
while reaching for sun


Summer Flowers Love

The feel 

of rain. Applaud

a hearty watering 

each stem reminded once again

of spring


Flowers Love

the feel of rain spilling, sipping
dripping, dropping

refreshed again

More Inkling takes on the Pythagorean Poem:

Mary Lee Hahn @ A(nother) Year of Reading

Catherine Flynn @ Reading to the Core

Molly Hogan @ Nix the Comfort Zone

Margaret Simon @ Reflections on the Teche
Heidi Mordhorst @ my juicy little universe