Thursday, November 30, 2023

Welcome December

Hello Poets,

It's December -- Wow! How did that happen so fast?

The Inklings challenge this month comes from Molly. 

luc bat 

I found rhyming before the end of a line a challenge. 

Word and I stumbled across a teeny poem in a book I was weeding from my library. It's on the padlet.

Check out some more luc bat poems from our Inkling friends.


  1. Linda, a lovely luc bat poem about December. I'm always fascinated to read these. Finding the rhymes is like a puzzle, so I read them a few times. The last reading made me all there with you sitting by the fire. I love the image here: "your pink cheeks—holly berry bright" Perfect!

  2. I do so love the way you describe December's cheeks! Gorgeous! xo

  3. December has pink cheeks! Thank you for this, Linda!

  4. Linda, I am really liking this form that you are all trying out this week. The description seems a little tricky, but you made it look effortless!

  5. I like the welcome & the "holly berry bright", Linda. The poem feels so joyful!

  6. How lovely of you to welcome December with a poem! Like so many others, I love those pink cheeks. You created such a warm, welcoming mood with your luc bat. I'm really impressed by the versatility of this poetic form.

  7. Sweet December! I want to sip cocoa with you all month long!

  8. This came out so wonderfully warm and cheerful (not unlike its author ahem)! I'm such a huge fan of personification of the abstracts among us ("your pink cheeks--holly berry bright"), and you know I appreciate the acknowledgment of Yuletide. Lovely!

  9. Welcoming December and your pink cheeks just makes me smile. Can you believe we are here? Thanks for sending me the happiest thoughts about this time of year. I want to be present to it all.

  10. Such a charming December poem. Great job with the new form!

  11. I like how inviting and warm this poem is. I can feel the fire and the friendship. Such an interesting rhyme scheme! I'll have to give this a try soon. Thanks.

  12. Yes, it's "weakened winter’s light" all right. I have to open ALL of the blinds to light the room nowadays.

  13. Welcoming December in with a poem is delightful. I especially like "holly berry bright
    in weakened winter’s light." Thank you!

  14. "weakened winter's light"--man, am I ever feeling that this time of year. I'm so impressed with what you all have done with this form.

  15. Linda: The luc bat form feels like a big challenge. Your poem works well and spurs me on to give it a try. Thanks so much!

  16. I love those first three lines especially, Linda. Such a joyous yet bittersweet description of this time of year. Lovely!

  17. Your poem is a perfect welcome to December!

  18. December, my old friend! I echo the appreciation for the "holly berry bright" cheeks on the ol' chap. You captured his essence perfectly, Linda. :)

  19. Linda, I love how you say good morning and welcome to December-great voice. I especially like your imagery in these lines "your pink cheeks—holly berry bright/
    in weakened winter’s light." Love your Christmas and joyful theme. Another Inkling that made this challenging form look easy.


Friendly, positive comments and feedback are always welcome here. Please let me know I'm not just whistling in the dark!